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Stock Charts AI Power Rank: 7.4
Power Rank trend -> Falling

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Pioneer Natural Resources Co (PXD)

Industry: Oil & Gas E&P

Price Support Resistance

In the past 20 trading days, PXD has been trading in a range between $275.52 and $267.26 (gray range band). Red lines on the chart represent key resistance levels and Green lines represent key support levels. As the price moves above the lines you will notice they turn green and red if price moves below a line.

PXD is breaking above top of the recent 20 day range at $275.52 and appears that it could have some more upside. If it enters a yellow zone the trend may be faltering - consider exiting or taking profits. If it enters a red zone on the chart we would exit the position.

Upside / Downside Potential

$PXD entered a Green zone 2 days ago on the AI powered stock chart. Wall Street analysts have an AVG target price $263.3, a potential down side of INF% from the recent price of 0.00. The stock is trading NAN% (potential upside) below its 52 week high of $0.00 and NAN % (potential downside) above its 52 week low of $0.00 - based on the recent price.

Company Summary

Pioneer Natural Resources Company operates as an independent oil and gas exploration and production company in the United States The company explores for, develops, and produces oil, natural gas liquids (NGLs), and gas. It has operations in the Midland Basin in West Texas.

PXD Website


Exxon signals Q2 below market consensus, excluding Pioneer buy
Exxon Mobil Corp on Monday signaled that lower refining margins across the industry and lower natural gas prices will reduce profits in the second quarter.
Source: Reuters
Mon, 08 Jul 2024 12:02:59 -0400
Sentiment: Negative
Did FTC Over-Reach In Prohibiting Scott Sheffield From ExxonMobil's Board
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken an unprecedented step as part of the biggest shale oil and gas merger ever: ExxonMobil buying Pioneer Natural Resources Pioneer Natural Resources for the hefty sum of $60 billion. But, as part of the deal, FTC announced on May 3, 2024, the chairman of Pioneer, Scott Sheffield, was prohibited from joining the board at ExxonMobil ExxonMobil or retaining any advisory capacity.
Source: Forbes
Fri, 31 May 2024 10:08:13 -0400
Sentiment: Negative
Senate Democrats accuse oil companies of collusion with OPEC, demand DOJ investigation
Nearly two dozen Democratic senators, led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., wrote a letter to the Justice Department urging a probe of alleged collusion between the oil industry and OPEC.
Source: Fox Business
Thu, 30 May 2024 17:51:16 -0400
Sentiment: Negative
Schumer asks DOJ to investigate FTC claim oil exec colluded with OPEC
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and 22 other Democratic Senators on Thursday asked the Attorney General to investigate allegations of collusion and price fixing between the oil industry and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Source: Reuters
Thu, 30 May 2024 10:20:12 -0400
Sentiment: Negative
ExxonMobil CEO talks acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources
Exxon Mobil (XOM) has completed an acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD) in one of the largest oil deals in decades. Chairman and CEO Darren Woods sits down with Yahoo Finance's Brian Sozzi and Akiko Fujita to discuss the acquisition and the future of Exxon Mobil.
Source: Yahoo Finance
Mon, 06 May 2024 17:36:21 -0400
Sentiment: Positive
Instituions Institution %: 81.02
Last QTR Institution change: -605868

Insiders %: 0.736
Insiders Purchases last QTR: 0
Insiders Sales last QTR: 47398
Insiders Net last QTR: -47398

Analyst Ratings
Target Price: 263.3
Overall Rating: 3.2
Strong Buys (5): 2
Buys (4): 4
Holds (3): 17
Sells (2): 1
Strong Sells (1): 1

52 Week Hi: 278.83
52 Week Low: 206.8032
Beta: 1.329
50 Day MA: 258.2022
200 Day MA: 238.6901

Earnings / Revenue Trends
Qtr Earnings Growth YOY: -0.086
Qtr Revenue Growth YOY: 0.047
Forward PE: 12.2249
Trailing PE: 13.3343

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